The First-Ever T Cell–Based Diagnostic Test

Adaptive launches T-Detect COVID, a novel diagnostic test for patients that uses the T cell as a marker to indicate recent or past infection. This is a small step for Adaptive and a large step towards Adaptive’s and Microsoft’s ultimate vision to develop T cell–based tests for early and accurate detection of many diseases from a single blood sample.

Enabling a New Way to Measure Immunity

Adaptive launches immunoSEQ T-MAP COVID, a new tool for researchers that measures the T-cell response to vaccines in development and tracks the persistence of the responses over time.

Decoding the Immune Response to COVID-19

Adaptive, in partnership with Microsoft, points its platform against COVID-19. They share the data freely with researchers around the world to inform novel diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines via ImmuneCODE, the largest database ever developed of T-cell immune responses to this virus.

500 Publications and Building

From narcolepsy to ovarian cancer. From HIV to SARS-CoV-2. From the healthy baseline of the immune repertoire to kidney transplantation. Adaptive continues to propel the understanding of the smallest details and the biggest insights of immune response.